Are you ready to fix your finances?
Maybe you want to get out of debt once and for all. Maybe you have a particular savings goal. Maybe you just want more breathing room in your paycheck-to-paycheck budget.
If you really want to make financial traction, the key is to take charge of your finances, and just start!
But that’s easier said than done. In fact, the most common question I get from blog readers regarding finances is “Where do I start?”
Where do I start?
Everyone’s situation is different. Some are facing huge debt that they want paid off as soon as possible. Other are struggling to make ends meet each month and are ready to do what it takes to stop living paycheck to paycheck. Other readers appear to be in a pretty good place financially, but on the inside they are nervous about not saving enough for retirement.
I’ve noticed that, no matter what the specifics of the person’s financial situation, my response to the question of “Where do I start?” has often been quite similar.
Over time, those responses have expanded and evolved into the basis for my new ebook, Frugal Fresh Start: A 28-day challenge to trim your expenses, build your budget and fix your finances.
What is Frugal Fresh Start?
My goal in writing Frugal Fresh Start was to help people know where to start and to give clear direction and goals for getting their finances in order.
Essentially it starts with an awesome goal that motivates you to do hard things.
Driven by your goal, you’ll cut your expenses in a way that works for you. Rather than just reading lists of random tips and tricks for saving money, you zero in on the most effective and efficient ways that you can be frugal.
Frugal living goes hand-in-hand with budgeting. If you can’t budget your money, then it doesn’t really matter how much money you save (or earn, for that matter). You’ll learn to build a budget and how to make it work for you.
At 130-pages, Frugal Fresh Start is thorough and loaded with substance. It’s not meant to be read in one sitting.
Frugal Fresh Start is divided into 28 chapters to be read one day at a time. Each day includes an actionable challenge so you can make the day’s principle work for you. Because the challenges are designed to be customized to your situation, you don’t have to get frustrated with challenges that are either unattainable or too simplistic.
To put it simply, Frugal Fresh Start is 28 days packed full of real-life strategies to reach your financial goals by lowering your expenses and making the most of your hard-earned cash.
What will I get out of Frugal Fresh Start?
- A start with clear direction on where to move
- Practical and meaningful challenges
- Smart frugal and financial habits
- More money in your pockets to put toward your financial goals.
- Encouragement to keep going.
By the end of Frugal Fresh Start, you will have trimmed your expenses in effective and practical ways, leaving money in your hands. Those savings will no longer get lost in the shuffle! With your new budget, built especially for your personal style and financial situation, your money will be actively working to help you reach your goals. If those goals include paying off debt, you’ll gain a plan for tackling that, along with some serious momentum.
Are you ready for a Frugal Fresh Start? Then today’s your lucky day!
If you are ready to make financial strides and turn your finances around, then now is the time to take action. Finances don’t just fix themselves, you know.
Change your financial future today! It’s time for a Frugal Fresh Start!
Want the print or Kindle version? Head to Amazon!
I’m so excited for you to let Frugal Fresh Start lead you to gain some serious financial traction this year!
Congrats on your ebook! That is very exciting. Writing an ebook is definitely on my goals list for the year as well.
That’s great Sarah! Let me know when you do– I would love to read it! 🙂
Congratulations on publishing your ebook! I think it is such an amazing achievement and one I hope that you are celebrating. You’re a published author!!!! Well done.
Thanks Candice! I’m pretty excited! 🙂
Hi Stephanie, Thank you! I bought your e-book this afternoon and read and did the Day 1 challenge. I followed instructions and did not read ahead – I wanted to but I didn’t.
The 6-month goal is taped on the wall next to our debt thermometer. Waiting to read Day 2!
Congratulations for publishing your e-book! What an exciting start to the New Year!
Kindest regards, Midori
Way to go! That’s some serious self-control! You’re going to do awesome Midori! 🙂