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In the meantime,

take advantage of this Special Offer to get 

Frugal Fresh Start

for the discounted price of just $4.50!​


Frugal Fresh Start: A 28-day challenge to trim your expenses, build a budget & fix your finances

Are you ready to fix your finances?
  • ​Are you suffocating under a mountain of debt?
  • Are you nervous about your lack of savings?
  • Do you need more breathing room in your budget?
  • Does it seem like money slips through your fingers?

Now's your chance!

Get Frugal Fresh Start for just $4.50!


Even though I already considered myself a somewhat frugal person, reading this made me realize there is still so more I can do to save. Through her fun, conversational writing style, Stephanie makes it an easy read, and I came away feeling motivated (rather than discouraged) to start taking action.

Amazon Reviewer                 

Feel like you just can't get ahead financially?

You’re not alone! I get countless emails and comments from people like you who are ready to make changes for their financial future but just don’t know where to start.

That’s exactly why I wrote Frugal Fresh Start: A 28-day challenge to trim your expenses, build a budget and fix your finances.

Frugal Fresh Start is thorough and loaded with substance. It’s not meant to be read in one sitting.

Frugal Fresh Start is divided into 28 chapters to be read one day at a time. Each day includes an actionable challenge so you can make the day’s principle work for you. Because the challenges are designed to be customized to your situation, you don’t have to get frustrated with challenges that are either unattainable or too simplistic.

To put it simply, Frugal Fresh Start is 28 days packed full of real-life strategies to reach your financial goals by lowering your expenses and making the most of your hard-earned cash.

It's time to get your finances in order!

Get started today!  You'll be so glad you did!

Now's your chance!

Get Frugal Fresh Start for just $4.50!
