I haven’t always been the debt-smashing budget boss I am today. Nope! Far from it! I wasn’t a financial disaster in college, BUT I was a complete newbie to managing money. I got my first checking account and my first apartment in the same week (after moving two thousand miles away from my family). There […]
How to Increase Your Income to Pay Off Debt
I get lots of emails from many of you who are just starting on your journey to pay off debt. Your stories and situations are often similar to ours. You are excited to find another family who started with big debt. You are encouraged that we were able to pay off our debt while I […]
$250 Monthly Grocery Shopping for April (with video)
This is our fourth month giving the behind-the-scenes look at how we grocery shop for our family of seven! (The little guy is just barely starting on solids, so I often say family of six when I talk about groceries.) I don’t have any deep dark grocery secrets (at least I don’t think I do), […]
Transparent Family Budget Update– March 2018
I know it’s been quiet around here for the past couple of weeks. Between sickness going through our family and taking a family road trip for Spring Break (which unfortunately overlapped with the sickness), I’ve been away from my computer. Sickness or not, you know I’ll get back on track to share our monthly budget […]
How Jen Paid Off $77,000 of Student Loan Debt
When we were working our way out of six figures of student loan debt I loved hearing stories of people who had made it to the other side of the daunting debt hurdle. I still love hearing debt payoff stories! Today Jen from Frugal Millennial is sharing her story! When I finished grad school, I found myself […]
{Healthy} $330 Monthly Grocery Shopping Trip– March 2018– Price List + Video
When we were working hard to pay off debt, we were pretty good at sticking to one big monthly grocery shopping trip. Now that we live much closer to actual stores, we end up going more often, which can be dangerous. Our monthly shopping trip started to be not-so all-inclusive since we could easily get […]
Transparent Family Budget Update– February 2018
I love getting to sit down and chat with you at the end of each month! It’s a great chance for us to review our finances a little more thoroughly than we probably otherwise would. If this coversation feels a little one-sided, feel free to chime in down in the comments and share how you’re […]
Monthly Grocery Shopping Trip Notes and Video– February
As I’ve surveyed friends and readers about their grocery budgets (those who actually have them), I’ve found that the numbers are all over the board. Family size doesn’t seem to be the determining factor in how much a family spends. Do you ever wonder what people actually spend their grocery budget on? I’ve been making […]
How to Use a Credit Card Like a Debit Card– Keep Benefits, Lose Debt
One of the things I love, love, love about the way we manage our budget is how we handle credit cards. Though we’ve always paid our credit cards off in full each month, I used to stress over the timing of credit card payments. I’m going to show you how you can stop stressing over […]
Transparent Family Budget Update– January 2018
Time for our first budget update of 2018! I debated whether I should keep sharing our real personal finance numbers with the world or not. I started being transparent with our income and expenses in the fall of 2013 when we decided to buckle down and tackle six figures of student loan debt. The accountability […]
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