Ever since September of 2013, I’ve been sharing every detail of our family’s finances with the world. Each month I detail all of our spending, share how much we pay in debt, and divulge our income. It has been a great way to hold ourselves accountable and motivate us to continue on this journey to pay […]
What Financial Health Means to Me
Have you ever avoided going to the doctor about an ache or pain simply because you were afraid of what the diagnosis might be? That happens with finances too. In fact, that was totally me three years ago. While my husband was in law school, I knew our debt was mounting, but I purposely avoided ever calculating the […]
A new summer family favorite recipe
This post brought to you by Giant Food Stores. The content and opinions expressed below are that of Six Figures Under. Last week, my husband took a day off of work and we took our four kids on a much-anticipated family outdoor adventure. We backpacked to one of our favorite spots in the mountains. It’s close […]
5 Things to Remember When You’re Debt-Free
After nearly three years of serious debt repayment, we will be debt-free very soon! I’m getting pretty excited and can hardly wait. Actually, the time has flown by. It’s hard to believe we’ve been living in my in-laws’ basement for nearly four years. Even though the time really has gone fast, we are so ready […]
6 Ways to Save More at Thrift Stores
If you’re working to make the most of your budget, then shopping at thrift stores probably isn’t new to you. Buying things used instead of new is a great way to save money, but it doesn’t stop there! With some extra effort, you can maximize the amount of money you save at the thrift store. […]
One simple tip to save money on meat every single month
The price of meat has gone through the roof, in case you didn’t notice. I’m going to tell you what you can do about it, so you can still have money for important things in your grocery budget (like ice cream and chocolate). Of course, the surefire way to save money on meat is the […]
May 2016 Debt Repayment Progress Report
Most people are pretty tight-lipped about their income and not many want to talk about their debt either. I guess that’s what makes us weird. We talk about both… in detail! Strange or not, talking about our debt and income by sharing it with the world has been a huge part of our success. Being […]
3 Activities We’re Paying for this Summer (and 5 we’re not)
The kids are out of school! Now we have to figure out what we’re going to do with them for the next couple of months! 🙂 We’re not sending our kids to any summer camps or day camps. Not only are fancy kids activities not in our budget, but I’m actually looking forward to spending time […]
Creating a Mindset for Daily Financial Success
Thanks to Erin from Living EZ for this guest post! Do you feel like you slowly inch forward toward your financial goals? Does it seem like everyone around you reaches their goals faster? Are you trying trying to save money, live frugally, and spend less, yet you slip into old habits more than you want […]
3 Things I’ll Never Do To Save or Make Money
We’re a pretty frugal family. While the jury is still out on whether it’s “extreme” frugality or not, there’s no denying that we like to save money. Every time I wash cloth diapers (which is twice a week, in case you’re wondering), I think about all the money we save my using them and it […]
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