It’s hard to believe our littlest one is already nine months. The baby time (well, time in general) seems to go faster with each one. Even though we have been through all the exciting milestones with our three older children, it’s just as magical and fun when #4 reaches them. The latest fun milestone is […]
January 2016 Debt Repayment Progress Report
It’s that time again when I share our real budget numbers with you– everything we earned, spent, and paid in debt last month. I have been transparently sharing our finances for two and a half years now. And let me tell you– we have come a long way! When we started this journey, our income […]
Hawaiian Haystacks– A Favorite Family Dinner
As the mom chef of my family, there is nothing more gratifying than making a meal that everyone approves of. With a tableful of kids whose tastes, preferences, and moods change even faster then their shoe sizes, it’s definitely a special feat to cook a dinner than everyone not only eats, but cheers about. That […]
Extreme Measures You Might Want to Take to Pay Off Debt (or not)
Any substantial debt payoff is going to require sacrifice. Sacrifice is giving up something you want now for something you want more. Sacrifices are personal and can’t really be compared across the board. For some people, going without TV (or even just cable) is a huge sacrifice. For others, like me, it’s no big deal. […]
Frugal Wins from Thinking Outside of the Box
Frugality is so much more than saving money. There is an element of creativity and resourcefulness that goes far beyond being cheap. As someone who is always up for a challenge, I enjoy finding out-of-the-box ways to make our money stretch. Last week I had a couple of frugal wins that I want to tell you about. […]
Versatile and Easy Potato Soup Tutorial
I told you that I wanted to start sharing what we eat on our $300/month budget. Instead of sharing a recipe, I decided to make more of a tutorial. I’m not going to give you exact quantities or measurements, but I will show you how to wing it and use what you have. When I cook, […]
A Year of Expenses– 2015 Annual Spending and Debt Payoff Totals
Do you have any idea how much money you spent on groceries last year? How about gas or clothing? That’s not something I used to keep track of, but since we have been meticulous with budgeting and tracking our spending while on this journey to dump $130K of student loans, we’ve been keeping a pretty […]
Why just making more money won’t solve your money problems
Embarking on our journey to pay off six figures of debt on a small salary was overwhelming to say the least. In fact, at the time we started our debt payoff, our total debt was more than three times my husband’s annual pre-tax income. When we set our debt-free date for just over three years […]
Why I haven’t shared what we eat with our $300 monthly food budget
When people learn that our family of six spends less than $300 per month on average, they want to know what we eat. I share our monthly grocery hauls and other frugal tips on my YouTube channel and I talk about how we save money by stocking up, but that just has people begging to see what we […]
5 Tips for Getting Fit on a Budget
Being more active and eating better are in my plans for the new year. Today I’m welcoming Sarah from The Orthodox Mama to share some great ideas for how to get fit without sacrificing your budget. It’s that time of year again. That time when the Christmas presents have been put away, the New Year has been […]
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