Did you know that you can store green tomatoes inside when it’s too cold for them outside and they will gradually ripen? You can eat homegrown tomatoes in the winter time and stretch your canning out to the months where you actually don’t mind heating your house up with the stove. Pick your green tomatoes […]
Joining the Debt Discussion
Determining the Debt When we made the big tally of how much we owe in student loans, I was truly shocked. The numbers had been right there in our mint.com account all through law school, but I don’t think I ever paid much attention to them. If I ever glanced at the student loan category, […]
Thinking Outside the Bolt: How I Get Fabric Free or Cheap
If you have ever stepped into a fabric store, you know that fabric isn’t cheap. In fact, it can be quite expensive! Considering all the great ways to get clothes inexpensively (or even free), buying fabric and taking time to sew clothes for your family hardly seems like a frugal option. Unless you can get […]
Garden Gratitude: Our Harvest Report– What we grow and what we do with it
Having a successful garden has kept our grocery budget low throughout the summer. With the produce that we’ve canned, frozen, and dehydrated, we should be eating nice organic fruits and veggies into the winter as well. We are so thankful for our garden. A garden is one of the great benefits of living in my […]
October 2013- Debt Repayment Progress Report
One of my favorite parts of blogging about our journey to become debt-free is our monthly progress reports. My idea of “making personal finance public” holds me accountable. I love tying up loose ends by crunching the numbers, categorizing the purchases, and analyzing where we put our money. Of course, the best part is to […]
Homemade Yogurt in the Crock Pot
Several years ago, my friend taught a class on making yogurt and cheese. Along with over a dozen women from church, I sat in amazement as she showed us how easy it is to make yogurt. You don’t need a fancy, retro yogurt maker with individual serving cups. In fact, one of the great things […]
Homemade Whole Wheat Pancake Mix
Breakfasts at the SixFiguresUnder household have not been the same since we decided to get serious about paying off our student loan debt. We love cold cereal and used to eat it regularly. Though my max price was just $1.50 a box, it adds up fast when you have big eaters. Our three little ones […]
6 Ways to Get Kids’ Clothes for Free or Cheap
Even before you have children (or are pregnant), the temptation to buy adorable children’s clothes may begin. Quickly growing children, changing of seasons, and new trends may continue to feed the addiction of kids clothes shopping. You could break the bank buying clothes for your little ones. The sooner you learn to get clothes for […]
Cold Cereal Sundays
I love cold cereal. I have been known to eat it for any meal of the day, especially when I’m pregnant. When we lived in town, I was great at combining coupons, sales, and manufacturer deals to get bargain prices on cereal. I rarely paid more than a dollar for a box of cereal. Now […]
September 2013 Debt Repayment Progress Report
It’s time for a monthly check-up to account for how we are doing on our big fat goal. In order to pay off our remaining debt by the end of 2016, we will need to put just over $3,000 per month toward our student loans. We know that this is an audacious goal, considering that […]