I’m really excited to share with you what I’ve been putting my time and energy into lately (in addition to, you know, feeding my family and homeschooling four of our six kids!).
Back in 2020 I conducted a survey of my blog readers and YouTube viewers to get to know you better, find out what you like and don’t like, and learn how I can help you. It was awesome! I read every response and loved “meeting” all of you!
I learned almost half of you have been following since before we finished paying off our debt back in 2016. As far as debt goes, it was split right down the middle: half of you are either completely debt-free or your mortgage is your only debt. and the other half of you are working to pay off non-mortgage debt.
I also learned that most of you would like more help getting your grocery budget under control.
That’s totally understandable. Keeping our grocery budget in check was a major factor in how we were able to pay of six figures of student loan debt so quickly. I know that you are also working on big goals like paying off debt and saving for retirement, and you know that reducing your grocery spending will help you reach your financial goals faster!
If I’m being honest, it’s also something I’m really good at. My real life friends (who don’t even read my blog) ask me for help lowering their grocery spending too. It’s not quite the same as a talent in watercolor or basketball or home decorating, but shopping for and feeding a family on a low grocery budget is my special skill!
Even though I have been sharing my ideas, insights, finances, and grocery hauls here for years, that’s not enough. You’ve told me you want personal attention and hand-holding. You want to know the step-by-step strategies I use and how you can apply them in your unique family situation.
And that’s why I created Grocery Budget Hero!
Grocery Budget Hero is a four-week LIVE online course where I teach you the exact strategies and skills you need to lower your grocery spending and stick to your budget.
I’ve spent some serious time coming up with a robust curriculum for saving money on groceries, thinking through all of the steps of what I do and have done in my family, including both beginner and advanced strategies.
During this initial run of Grocery Budget Hero, I am offering the course in four live online video sessions. My plan is that in future offerings, the course will just include pre-recorded video, but in this inaugural class, I will be taking questions and feedback from our founding students so that I can be sure the material is exactly what you need. Essentially you founding students will help shape the content of the course through your questions and feedback (which is why you’ll get such a great price).
The Live video sessions will be held on Thursdays at 6:00 Pacific time starting on January 14th (through February 4th), but if you can’t join us live (or even if you can) you will have on-demand access to the replays. You will be able to submit questions before and after the live videos, even if you can’t watch live.
You’re probably thinking this all sounds great, but how much is it going to cost for a live course with printable workbooks that offers personal attention? (That’s what I would be wondering, too!)
The good news is that I’m offering this course for just $39.
I know the $39 price might seem too good to be true for a course where you’re getting personal attention, but it’s legit.
Future iterations of the course will cost double this price and most likely not include the personal attention, but in this inaugural course I want to be certain that I address all of my students needs. I want this course to be the best it can possibly be and I need your help to do that. That’s why I am willing to give this steep discount to you early adopters who will help me out with your questions and feedback.
And to put this in perspective, you will easily save this much (or many times this much) each month after taking Grocery Budget Hero.
And there’s a money-back guarantee, too, so you really can’t lose.
But if you don’t need help or don’t want to make the investment, that’s fine! We can still be friends!
Just don’t be the kind of person who makes excuses about why you can’t have success. Or why you can’t do something. Instead of making excuses, find solutions. It’s easy to chalk others’ accomplishments up to luck or special circumstances. Making excuses might make you feel better, but it won’t help you be better and improve your situation.
If you are eager to lower your grocery spending and actually stick to your grocery budget, then I would love to be your coach and cheerleader!
Enrollment for the inaugural class will only be open for a week. You can learn more and enroll here. I’ll see you inside the course!
It will definitely help me spend more wisely